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The Ancient Celtic Tradition of Handfasting

When planning your ceremony, there are so many different rituals that couples can choose to incorporate into their special day to make their ceremony unique and personal to them. One of the most popular of these rituals is handfasting.

Handfasting is a Celtic symbolic ritual that takes place during a wedding ceremony, where the couple stand face to face as their hands are bound together with ribbon or cord, to represent their commitment to each other – it brings a lot more understanding to the phrase ‘tying the knot’!

Handfasting is said to date back over 2000 years. Then, the ceremony involved tying the hands of the couple who wished to be married together and served almost like a modern day engagement, where both individuals declared their commitment to each other. This engagement would last a year, a sort of trial marriage, after which, they had the choice to go ahead with the marriage or walk away! 

Today, it has become an extremely popular and meaningful tradition for couples, symbolizing the joining of their lives and commitment to one another.   

Anamchara Cords 

Choosing the right cord for your ceremony is an important step and whether you opt for a silk ribbon infinity knot cord or a cotton braided cord, each material brings its own unique energy and symbolism to your union. 

At Anamchara Cords, Kelly’s passion is to design and create your perfect, one of a kind cord. As a textile artist, Kelly creates unique and beautiful handfasting cords from the ancient Viking city of Waterford. 

Choosing Anamchara Cords means you are selecting a product crafted with passion, expertise and a deep understanding of the significance behind this beautiful tradition. All cords are made using high quality, eco friendly materials and are infused with artistry and a personal touch.  

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